Vastu: Top 10 Plants for Good or Bad Luck

Many folks like having pretty flowering plants in their gardens or on their balconies just because they look nice. But what if some of these lovely flowers were also suggested by Vastu experts? Here, we’ve compiled a list of 10 Good luck and 5 Bad luck plant according to Vastu.

10 Good luck plants according to Vastu:

1. Jasmine

One of the most well-known flowers suggested by Vastu is Jasmine. People believe that its lovely scent can fill a home with positivity and encourage gentle behavior. Jasmine is thought to have a calming effect, which is why it’s often recommended.

2. Money plant

Money plants are pretty common in a lot of Indian homes, and it turns out they’re recommended by Vastu too! According to Vastu, having a money plant can attract wealth and good fortune, and they’re also super easy to take care of.

3. Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a stunning flower that people offer to Goddess Kali during religious ceremonies. It’s also used in rituals known as puja. Vastu, a traditional Indian practice, suggests having hibiscus plants around because their vibrant red flowers are believed to symbolize energy and good fortune.

4. Tulsi

The Tulsi plant is a common sight in Hindu homes and holds deep religious significance. It’s seen as sacred, thought to have healing powers, and according to Vastu principles, it can cleanse the surroundings and keep away bad vibes.

5. Rose

The Rose, symbolizing love, is stunning in every aspect. Although opinions among experts differ on whether owning a rose plant is beneficial or not, most agree that it embodies love, joy, and good vibes better than anything else.

6. Marigold

Marigolds are super easy to grow and often used in home ceremonies. People believe they bring good vibes and prosperity while keeping bad energy away, according to Vastu.

7. Lotus

Although it’s not feasible to cultivate lotus flowers at home, according to Vastu principles, lotus plants symbolize positivity and spiritual development. Seen as the sacred seat of Lord Vishnu, the lotus holds magical significance due to its unique qualities.

8. Chrysanthemum

Vastu specialists say that in many cultures, Chrysanthemums are believed to bring joy, long life, and good luck. So, if you want to add some happiness and positivity to your home, consider bringing in these flowers.

9. Lavender

Lavender is such a lovely flower, isn’t it? It’s not just pretty to look at with its delicate petals and sweet scent—it’s also said to bring peace, harmony, and good vibes wherever it grows. So having some lavender in your garden can really lift your spirits!

10. Orchid

Orchid gardening can be a bit challenging, but the end result is absolutely stunning. According to Vastu beliefs, having orchids in your home can bring in positive vibes and enhance the energy flow throughout the space.

5 Plants that brings bad luck according to Vastu:

1. Cactus

Curious about whether having a cactus in your home is a good idea? According to experts in both Vastu and Feng Shui, cacti might not be the best choice. Despite their beauty, they’re believed to carry negative energy because of their prickly thorns. Having one in your home could potentially bring about misfortune and contribute to stress and anxiety, according to Vastu principles.

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should banish cacti from your home entirely. If placed in the right spot, they can actually be beneficial. For instance, placing them on your terrace or near a window can help fend off negative energy that’s trying to creep in. So, even though they’re not typically recommended for good Vastu, they can serve as protectors for your home in their own way.

2. Bonsai

Well, according to the principles of vastu, having bonsai plants in your home isn’t considered a good idea. Even though they’re visually appealing, they’re not thought to bring good luck.

Experts in bonsai and vastu suggest steering clear of having these plants indoors. They’re believed to represent slow or hindered growth and could potentially disrupt the natural flow of energy in your home. It’s better to keep bonsai plants in more open areas like your garden or a balcony.

3. Cotton Plant

So, when it comes to picking indoor plants, cotton might not be the best choice. Even though it looks nice as a decoration, according to vastu (a traditional Indian system of architecture), cotton plants are seen as unlucky. They’re not on the list of auspicious plants for the home. So, while they might seem pretty, they could bring bad luck if you keep them indoors.

4. Mehendi

the mehendi plant, which we use for auspicious occasions like weddings, is believed to bring bad luck if kept at home. It’s said that mehendi or myrtle plants can attract evil spirits, so it’s better not to have them around.

5. Dead Plants

If your plants have kicked the bucket, they’re not doing your home’s vibe any favors according to vastu. According to this ancient practice, indoor plants should always be lively and flourishing. Withered or fading ones are a no-go. It’s like they’re sending out bad energy vibes or something. So, if you spot any plant on its last legs, it’s time to bid it farewell and get it out of your space pronto.

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